A short list for those that collect "special pieces". I'll try and update the list from time to time.

Lustrous 103 gram etched garnet var. spessartine from the Navegadora Claim, Penha do Norte, Conselheiro Pena, Minas Gerais, Brazil

A pristine Gem Tanzanite 22.4 grams from the hills of Merelani in northern Tanzania

None finer. A 74.8 Gram Museum Botryoidal Mushroom Type Tourmaline Elbaite. From Mogok, Pyin-Oo-Lwin District, Myanmar. Own it now at https://www.etsy.com/listing/591961233/none-finer-a-748-gram-museum-botryoidal?ref=shop_home_active_16

Rhodochrosite. Full section not a piece with intact edge all around. This is the natural shape of the stalactite. https://www.etsy.com/listing/554173978/top-class-blood-red-rhodochrosite-wedge?ref=shop_home_active_19

A remarkable XLS 98.8 Gram Aquamarine. Old Stock MG Brazil.

Investment rhodochrosite. 6.75 inch by .5 inch thick. See it on my site.

Perfect Rhodochrosite Polished both sides slice with complete edge all around. 4.25 Inch across. Argentina. Available at https://www.etsy.com/listing/550568127/perfect-rhodochrosite-polished-both?ref=shop_home_active_15

Glassy Gem Lavender Kunzite Crystal. Top of My Collection. A Complete Floater Beautiful Condition. https://www.etsy.com/listing/531992289/glassy-gem-lavender-kunzite-crystal-top?ref=shop_home_active_1

Orange/red Rutile Quartz Crystal. Only a handful discovered in 2005 by a Papaya Farmer in Bahia Brazil. Natural not polished. https://www.etsy.com/listing/550480303/orangered-rutile-quartz-crystal-only-a?ref=shop_home_active_12

Dead on Gem Tourmaline Crystal Coronel Murta, MG Brazil https://www.etsy.com/listing/522051208/dead-on-gem-tourmaline-crystal-coronel?ref=shop_home_active_2

A Quality, Large Ajoite included Quartz Crystal Cluster from Messina, South Africa. 115.5 Grams https://www.etsy.com/listing/531196725/a-quality-large-ajoite-included-quartz?ref=shop_home_active_2

ABOVE: 52 Gram Ukraine Gem Heliodor Etched Floater Crystal. Thick and Transparent. Gem Crystal https://www.etsy.com/listing/506318448/52-gram-ukraine-gem-heliodor-etched?ref=shop_home_active_8

205 Gram Ajoite Crystal Floater, complete. This polished stone displays a sharp Phantom, it's base is terminated. https://www.etsy.com/listing/547163899/205-gram-ajoite-crystal-floater-complete?ref=shop_home_active_35

Unusual, Natural Pyrite Rectangle form High Luster Bar. This find is well documented as all that came out is this shape. Missouri. Available https://www.etsy.com/listing/550612277/unusual-natural-pyrite-rectangle-form?ref=shop_home_active_3

ABOVE: This is an Investment Crystal. The rarest and most sought after of all Moldavite from Besednice, Czech Republic. This came from a well known moldavite hunter whom lives in the Czech Republic. He brought out his life time collection and I was lucky enough to be at the right place and time to get the FINEST one he had. 20 Grams at 2 7/8 inch long. Sold https://www.etsy.com/listing/508560893/investment-crystal-the-rarest-and-most?ref=shop_home_active_6

ABOVE: Gem Tourmaline Scepter, Coronel Murta Brazil. This one is another investment quality crystal. I've had and seen many of these but never so transparent and perfect. The termination is perfect. Comes mounted on a custom base. Coronel Murta Brazil. 1.5 inch tall. SOLD https://www.etsy.com/listing/495093772/gem-tourmaline-scepter-coronel-murta?ref=shop_home_active_5

ABOVE: A Complete Gem Rhodochrosite polished slice. The best quality is the cherry red translucent type as this is. Intact edge all around, this is how the stalactite formed, as this shape. polished both sides. This one comes from Rhodo Co. in Argentina whom operated the mine years ago. 2.25 inch across. SOLD

ABOVE: 3 inch rutile in clear quartz. Really nice example that sparkles big time. Brazil. SOLD. https://www.etsy.com/listing/495282442/large-polished-clear-quartz-dome-with?ref=shop_home_active_20

ABOVE: Topaz gets no better than this crystal. Offered is a classic Imperial Topaz. The crystal is a perfect double terminated floater. The crystal has natural high luster with a steep sharp termination. No little crystal here at just short of 30 grams. Excellent areas of gem areas. Ouro Preto, Brazil SOLD https://www.etsy.com/listing/508571353/classic-imperial-gem-topaz-297-gram?ref=shop_home_active_10

ABOVE: 170 Gram Spessartine Garnet Navegadora Mine, Penha do Norte, Doce Valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil. These are getting scarce from this find. This ones a large beauty. https://www.etsy.com/listing/495547016/170-gram-spessartine-garnet-navegadora?ref=shop_home_active_8
BELOW: Quartz with Calcite and Galena. Japan Law Twin rear center. Large size 3.5 inch from Madan Borieva mine, Bulgaria. When one discoveres an example sharp and clean as this one, don't pass it up.

10.25 Pound Polished Malachite Nodule Cluster. Mined in the 1970's. Congo. One never finds malachite nodules this large. Never.... common size is 2 inch tall. Inventment value is high on this one

Investment Ajoite. Ajoite on Quartz. Intense Saturation inclusions on this natural high luster group. 165.5 Grams. From the find in 2010, "Razor Pocket". The crystal sits on a vertical quartz wedge which sits perfectly on a flat bottom. The crystal alone measures 1.4 inches tall. The luster is blinding with no chipping. Search Razor Pocket Ajoite and one will see wholesale rates.
When one stumbles on a specimen like this you can expect extreme value as time passes. SOLD

The Torch. Unusual, Amethyst Quartz Scepter, Near Floater 76 Grams, Goboboseb, Namibia. We love this crystal. Damage free. Such a cool formation. The head has so many terminations. 2.75 inch tall. 76 Grams, Goboboseb, Namibia. If you know Brandberg crystals you know this is very special. I got no business letting this go as its a total piece. Form, color, Structure, design... SOLD


14.2 Gram Double Terminated Gem Aquamarine Pencil Crystal, Nagar, Baltistan, Pakistan. https://www.etsy.com/listing/490175344/142-gram-double-terminated-gem?ref=shop_home_active_1