Ajoite is named after its type locality, the New Cornelia Mine in the Ajo District of Pima County, Arizona. Other localities include Wickenburg and Maricopa County in Arizona, within the United States, and the Messina (Musina) District in South Africa. Quartz specimens from the defunct Messina Mines on the border between Zimbabwe and South Africa are well known for their inclusions of blue copper silicate minerals such as shattuckite, papagoite and ajoite.

A Quality, Large Ajoite included Quartz Crystal Cluster from Messina, South Africa. 115.5 Grams https://www.etsy.com/listing/531196725/a-quality-large-ajoite-included-quartz?ref=shop_home_active_7

205 Gram Ajoite Crystal Floater, complete. This polished stone displays a sharp Phantom, it's base is terminated. Available https://www.etsy.com/listing/547163899/205-gram-ajoite-crystal-floater-complete?ref=shop_home_active_35

Large Ajoite Included Quartz Crystal. 362 Grams, 4.25 inch tall. Messina, South Africa. https://www.etsy.com/listing/537204375/large-ajoite-included-quartz-crystal-362?ref=shop_home_active_43

Investment Gem Stone. Ajoite on Quartz. Super Intense Saturation inclusion. 165.5 Grams Razor Pocket. Sold https://www.etsy.com/listing/485524090/investment-gem-stone-ajoite-on-quartz?ga_search_query=ajoite&ref=shop_items_search_3

72.1 Gram Ajoite Crystal. Strong Inclusions on this one. Messina, South Africa https://www.etsy.com/listing/500485725/721-gram-ajoite-crystal-strong?ga_search_query=ajoite&ref=shop_items_search_1

80 Gram Pristine Ajoite, Epidote, Hematite, Kaolinite, Quartz Floater. Messina, South Africa https://www.etsy.com/listing/499556071/80-gram-pristine-ajoite-epidote-hematite?ga_search_query=ajoite&ref=shop_items_search_2

145 Gram Ajoite Included Quartz Crystal. Messina, South Africa
Ajoite is a hydrated sodium potassium copper aluminium silicate hydroxide mineral. GHM currently is offering two specimens...have a look.

Pristine 20.5 Gram Ajoite Floater Crystal. Fully crystallized. Antonvilla, Messina South Africa

Above: Sold

145 Gram Ajoite Included Quartz Crystal. Messina, South Africa